Encourage Safe Disposal
Learn what safe drug disposal looks like, who should be involved in the development of a program, and ways to promote it to community members in this downloadable PDF guide. You can also use this online Takeback Day finder to find a community safe disposal event near you.
Talk to Your Prescribers
Ensure prescribers are equipped to be proactive in identifying and helping patients at risk for prescription drug abuse by sharing resources created specifically for them.
Screen a Documentary
Out of Reach is a film created by a teen filmmaker who captures teen prescription drug abuse as it exists in his world.
Find or Become a Local Partner
Local grassroots efforts are vital to changing attitudes, educating families and effectively changing behavior around opioids. Through our Community Partner Program and Alliance Program, organizations across the country can leverage our resources, public service ad campaigns and community presentations to amplify and strengthen local efforts.
Deliver Community Education
We have developed presentation materials to help you educate your community about the risks of heroin and other opioids. The presentation is designed to be delivered by law enforcement in collaboration with health care, prevention and treatment professionals. Please complete a short request form in order to access materials
Learn more at: https://drugfree.org/article/help-your-community-address-the-opioid-epidemic/